Updated on 2/3/2025

Weekend Liturgies are broadcast live on Facebook

Weekend liturgies are broadcast live on Facebook (CLICK HERE) even if you don't have a Facebook account.
Saturday 4 pm: Mass.
Sunday 10 am: Mass.

Saint Maron

Feb 9 - St Maron, Patron of the Maronite Church

Saint Maron, whose feast day is February 9, is the Patron of the Maronite Catholic Church, which took form at the time of the First Maronite Patriarch, Saint John Maron, around 686 AD. St. Maron lived from 350 AD until 410 AD in a region close to Antioch, between Syria, Turkey and the Mediterranean. In his young age he was ordained priest and decided to consecrate his life to the Lord by embracing the life of a hermit, ascetic and austere; a life of total solitude and abstinence and Gospel values. Saint Maron decided to live in the hill countryside of Aleppo in the present Syria; and live the life of a hermit, a life of prayer, meditation, fasting, sacrifice, depravation, and purification of the soul. He got grace from the Lord to heal people from sickness of the body and the soul. Many were attracted to his example and became his followers and formed communities of monks that filled the wilderness in Syria and Lebanon. They founded a monastery in his name soon after his death (410 AD). Little more than two centuries later, during the rise of Islam in the Middle East, the superior of Saint Maron Monastery in Syria, Saint John Maron, was elected the First Maronite Patriarch of the Apostolic Church of Antioch in 686 AD, recognized and approved by the Pope in Rome. He took the lead of the Maronite Church in Syria and Lebanon. The Maronite Church is characterized by its full union with the Roman Catholic Church since its establishment while preserving its Antiochean Syriac Aramaic traditions. The Maronites historically became the stronghold of Christianity in the Middle East and the Holy Land. They resisted and faced the most violent persecutions after the rise Islam (622 AD) and kept their faith and the mountains of Lebanon as a shrine of Holiness and Sanctity and witness to the Lord Jesus who visited this land and sanctified it. May the prayers of Saint Maron be with all of us. The Maronites spread in the U.S. and formed two U.S. Eparchies: Saint Maron Eparchy in the East, and the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles in the West. They continue to preserve our tradition, culture and Faith in the communities.


Faith Formation Program

Faith Formation classes will take place every week at church. Children in second grade, or preparing for First Communion, must attend in order to make their First Communion. Please contact Nikki Abbott for more information or with questions.   

MYA Corner
Attention, all young people, ages 18 – 35, please come join the MYA group the second Thursday of the month at church. Contact Annemarie Schwery or Eddie Mueller with questions.

MYO Corner
A huge thank you from the MYO for your support of their annual wreath fundraiser, which will benefit Holy Family Parish, and for your overwhelming support throughout the year of the various fundraising events sponsored by the MYO. Thank you again and may you have a very Merry Christmas. God bless you all.

Family Sponsored Breakfasts

Please consider hosting a breakfast. It’s not only fun but an opportunity to support your Church and interact with your church community. If your family is small or you want assistance in doing one, please contact either Vicki Whebbe (651-295-8100) or Pat Anderson (612-210-6656). If not, you can still support church by an additional donation of the cost you would have spent on sponsoring or partaking in a breakfast. Thanks to all for your continued support. God bless you.

Church Bulletin

If you have any information for the monthly bulletin, please have the details submitted no later than the 20th of the preceding month. Submit to the attention of Pat Anderson. You may do so by dropping it off at church, in the collection or by text directly to her at 612-210-6656

Monthly Calendar

Our monthly schedule

Our Facebook Page

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Monthly Bulletin

Our monthly bulletin

Registration Form

Join our parish/receive bulletins

Holy Family Schedule and Services

Weekly Masses:
Wed-Thu-Fri 9 am. No live broadcast
Sat 4 pm, Sun 10 am. Service is broadcast live on Facebook

Office hours:
Tuesdays through Saturdays 2:00 PM - 5:00 pm

Faith Formation for children:
Wedsdays 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM September through May

MYO Youth gathering (Age 12-17) :
Sundays at 6:30 PM 

Choir practice:
Every Thursday 6:30 to 8:00. September through May

Monthly Meetings:
New members are always welcome.

Holy Family Ladies Society: First Fridays, October through May 
Immediately following 9 am liturgy.

Men’s Club: Third Monday of the month at 6:00 pm, September through May.

Merri-Nites: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Zoom/Meeting sites vary.

Please keep safe. Your safety is our priority. 

Donate to The Holy Family Church

Make your charitable contribution to The Holy Family Maronite Catholic Church securely on Paypal.  
You do not need to have a Paypal account
Click on the Donate button below:

Copyright (c) 2025 Holy Family Maronite Church, Mendota Heights (v.25.02.a)

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