Outreach and Community Service

Helping Our Community

Wakota Life Care Center Donation Drive

The Holy Family is assisting Wakota Life Care Center in West Saint Paul by collecting material items to be given to pregnant women and their families in need. Please help these mothers and their families with a blessing from our community.

Deposit the below items in the donation bin throughout the month.

Items needed:

-Newborn lightweight sleepers,
newborn socks, clothing up to 3T

-Baby wash/shampoo/lotion, wipes
and newborn diapers (5’s or 6’s)

-Baby bottles, sippy cups, books, toys

Wakota Life’s Mission & History

Wakota Life Care Center

Wakota was organized in 1976 by two physicians and a group of local citizens. Their mission was to "help anyone in need of health care and basic social services from conception onward." As Wakota has grown and evolved over time, our focus has been on the needs of pregnant women and their families. Wakota is committed to the truth that every individual has the right to life from conception to natural death. We seek to offer compassionate help and hope, enabling positive life-affirming choices to all who have been touched by pregnancy. Our mission adheres to the teachings of the Catholic Church. We serve all without discrimination.

Wakota Life Care Center

1140 Robert Street South, W. St Paul, MN



Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities

Holy Family parishioners help the homeless the first Saturday of every month from 9am to 1pm by serving lunch to them at the Opportunity Center in Minneapolis. It is a wonderful opportunity to serve others and spend some time with fellow parishioners. It is also a perfect opportunity to fulfill any community service requirements for school, work or play.

Contact Joe Coury at 651-245-6382 or joecoury@courycartage.com to sign up or get additional information.

Helping Hands

Monthly Outreach Project

Every month Holy Family collects items for a specific charity that we support. All you do is bring in any requested items and place them in the cedar donations box in the Narthex. Monetary donations can be sent directly to each of the charities through their website. 

Copyright (c) 2025 Holy Family Maronite Church, Mendota Heights (v.25.02.a)