Abouna's Message of the Month

Dear brothers and sisters, members and friends of Holy Family, greetings to all of you. 

During this last month of May, Holy Family celebrated Mother’s Day with a spectacular, elegant, stylish, rich and colorful High Tea! The MYO organized and served a five course luncheon for nearly 68 attendees. We prayed for all mothers and ladies of the parish, appreciating and recognizing their great contribution to our community.  

On Thursday May 9, Holy Family celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. On Sunday May 19, the parish celebrated the Great Feast of Pentecost, which opened the Liturgical Season of Pentecost and the birth of the “One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, on 33 AD. During the celebration, one of our children, Robert Richardson, (who was unable to join us at the April 21 First Communion celebration) received his Holy First Communion with a special participation in the liturgy through readings, gifts and peace, with his parents. The Faith Formation teacher in charge, Gary Schwery, worked with unending dedication and commitment the entire year preparing our children in faith and religion. I thank Gary and the parents for encouraging their children in attending these classes. Holy Family takes this opportunity to thank the Faith Formation team, led by Gary Schwery, for preparing the parish children, ages 6 to 12, with a special focus on First Communion and Confirmation Sacraments. All of the first communicants received a bag of memorable gifts including a bible, candle, Rosary, certificate, and Cross. Please contact Gary Schwery, ASAP, to ensure your children are registered. Children in second grade, or preparing for First Communion, must attend in order to make their First Communion. To register, call or text Gary Schwery at (651-252-8066), or email gschwery@comcast.net. Holy Family is willing to hire new teachers for Faith Formation and Gary will assist them as needed. Please contact Gary or me if you are interested. Faith Formation classes will resume in the fall.

We thank John Corey and the MYO team for leading our MYO, ages 12 to 17, and working all year long with dedication and commitment every week. We thank all who continue to support our youth so they may participate in these activities and we commend the MYO for their hard work in fundraising throughout the year to offset some of the expenses. I also thank on your behalf, again and again, the altar staff, lay deacons and readers, altar servers and parents, choir members, organists and our broadcasting team. All of them demonstrate their dedication and commitment through their actions. On behalf of Holy Family Church we thank you for your generosity, support, participation, dedication and commitment to your church, and may the Lord grant you always health, peace and joy. Your participation and support makes a huge difference and never goes unnoticed or forgotten. Your support is appreciated now more than ever. God bless you and your families and children and keep you safe and healthy. Please pray for the sick and suffering of our community.

On Sunday, June 16, we will celebrate Father’s Day. We pray for all the fathers in the community, the living and the deceased. With the intercession of Saint Joseph, patron of the Holy Family, may the Lord bestow his blessings and mercy on them. A gesture of appreciation will be handed to the beloved fathers in the community.

Saturday June 29, is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. It will be also Fr. Anthony Salim’s 50th Anniversary of Priesthood Ordination. Fr. Anthony will celebrate liturgy at 4 PM that day. Immediately following liturgy, there will be a reception in his honor in the church social hall. Thank you to the Holy Family Society for organizing the reception.

I have been asked by some of you about the annual Lenten Eparchial Appeal Church contribution. Our total contribution this year averaged approximately fifty dollars per contributing member. Thank you to our dedicated donors for your generosity in making this contribution of $50 this year to the church. Holy Family will offset the balance of the assessed amount due for our parish.


Please remember in your prayers: all the sick and the suffering in the community. God bless, heal and strengthen them. Also, please remember those who are struggling with health issues and are not named.

Thank you all donors who keep donating to Caritas Lebanon. The US Caritas Lebanon sends the donations donated from all donors in the US to Lebanon once or twice a month. Caritas Lebanon assists hundreds of thousands of needy people in Lebanon. If we ask them to donate part of our donations to a certain Catholic institution or parish, they do so. Thank you again for your thoughts, prayers and actions.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Father Emmanuel Nakhlé-Ghorr, Pastor

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